World of Warships gets new trailer ahead of E3 2013 debut

After all the excitement caused by World of Warships first cinematic trailer – at the time known as World of Battleships –, Wargaming decided to reveal a new trailer, that is… well, also completely cinematic.

But keep your sticks and stones away – this is just a teaser for the debut experience of World of Warships scheduled for E3 2013. Some lucky viewers will finally be able to see what the third game in the World of series has in store. Judging by the teaser, there will be lots of torpedoes and explosions, but we bet that it won’t be as fast paced as seen below.

World of Warships is a free-to-play naval tactical action MMO and is going to connect in some way with the games World of Tanks and World of Warplanes.

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