MU Legend: Dark Lord gameplay rounds up the classes

MU Legend story

The Dark Lord is the last class to get the honor of a gameplay video showcasing his high level abilities, taken straight from the intro bits of MU Legend. Webzen's upcoming hack and slash game will launch wiht four classes, so you can watch the other videos and make your pick: Blader, Whisperer and Warmage.

MU Legend has everything going for it, apparently, after a lot of time in some form of development hell – it's the follow-up to the classic MU Online, runs on the Unreal Engine 3 and the combat is fast and fun, our good friend Rendermax tells us. It doesn't look too grindy either, so this could be a perfect Diablo alternative if you're tired of Path of Exile and want to kill some time before Lost Ark arrives.

It's not all fun and games at Webzen right now, however – ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds is shutting down and ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance is suffering the same fate.

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