has released a new class trailer for Revelation Online, this time focusing on the mysterious Occultist class. It's a fully-voiced trailer with no gameplay, but it's one great introduction to the Occultist, so you should definitely watch it if you're looking forward to this MMORPG.
“Occultists deliver devastating attacks but can also use powerful spells to fortify and heal themselves and their allies in war-torn lands. From a distance, they utilize powerful buffs to help their comrades, enhancing their battle abilities. Occultists carefully oversee the balance between the human and spiritual realm as the Queen of Souls retains them as envoys in the human realm. They can peer deeply into the souls of their victims, and as interrogators, their skills are unsurpassed.”
If you want to get guaranteed closed beta access to Revelation Online, you have to buy a founder’s pack. Otherwise, you have to sign up and hope that a beta key actually comes your way.
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