Skyforge Ascension update is live

The Ascension update has finally rolled into Skyforge and has added quite a lot of content while revamping some mechanics. We can start by saying that it adds the new Outlaw class, a dangerous hero, who handles two side arms and, when necessary, dynamite. A new boss, Tol-Monter, the avatar of the great god of the Oceanids, is one of the new foes, and a demo version of the Council of Gods was added – this is a political system that allows players to elect 12 leaders, who will gain power over the community.

Skyforge now includes a revamped combat system, where players are free to pick up gear, chunks of armor, or pieces of your enemies' bodies and use them in battle.

There is a lot more to the Ascension update, so take some time and read it all in the official post.

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