Revelation Online second Russian closed beta announced

Revelation Online Eternal Chasm

It looks like the Russian and NA/EU versions of Revelation Online are playing their own catch-up game – while this MMORPG entered its first Russian closed beta on October 12, North American and European players only had that chance on November 3, after a slight delay.

And now the Russian version “strikes back” with the date for the second closed beta – Mail.Ru has announced that it will begin on November 10 and ends on November 21. The level cap was slightly increased, going from the level 49 of the first beta to level 59, and there should be some new PvE and PvP content. It mostly featured the same content as in the western beta, so it's likely that the same will apply for the second beta.

There is no official word on the date for the second western closed beta, but we would bet on something beginning early December.

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