NCsoft reveals Master X Master western launch, Lineage Eternal details and more

Master X Master has officially launched

During its report of the Q4 2016 financial results, NCsoft revealed a bit more about its plans for its upcoming games, including Lineage Eternal and Master X Master. The western release of Master X Master is planned for the second quarter of 2017, which places this between April and June, in case you need to know the specifics.

We also get to know about Lineage Eternal and how NCsoft is aiming at a second closed beta in South Korea this year followed by the open beta and full launch. The plan is also to launch the PC version and the mobile version at the same time, but it isn't mentioned if it's only for Korea or if it's a – less likely – global launch thing.

There's a mobile Aion game in the works called Aion Legions and it should soft launch (probably open beta) in North America and Europe during the second quarter, with the official launch in Q3 2017. Lineage M and Blade & Soul Mobile are also in development for this year, but Lineage M was delayed for a couple of months, with the launch planned for the first half of this year.

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