No, we did not make a mistake in that headline. You can get the latest Rift expansion Starfall Prophecy for free and keep it forever close to your heart, if you grab it before May 14, when it returns to its usual price (currently retailing at $19.99).
But wait! Instead of the Starfall Prophecy expansion, they're talking about this Prophecy of Ahnket expansion that we've never heard of before, so what's the catch? Well, none actually, as there was a name change that producer Archonix says it's “more evocative of the lore” and mostly because the developers”recently become acquainted with a terrific children’s educational charity called the Starfall Education Foundation, and we want to make sure that the names are not confused.” We don't think an expansion for an MMORPG and a children's charity would ever cause any confusion in this world, but hey, they're offering this Rift expansion for free, right?
If you log in during this weekend you'll also get a Prophecy of Ahnket Cache “full of awesome items”: 2 Tenebrean Engines, 100 Phenomenal Sparkles, 10 Individual Reward Charges, 1 White Deer Companion Pet and 1 Random Puzzle Box Dimension Item.
Get it while there's still time!
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