TERA’s fifth anniversary gives you wings and an infographic

TERA's early 2019 roadmap

TERA‘s fifth anniversary celebrations are live and in case you missed it, if you login during May you'll get a nice pair of wings for your character. On the other hand, if you would like to see some facts about what still stands today as one of the best action MMORPGs ever made, you can take a look at this infographic with some TERA curiosities.

To begin with, we learn that the most popular class is the Warrior, which means that most of you just can't wait to dive straight into battle. As for the most popular races, the cute and small Elin are the favorite of the majority, putting to rest most of those claims that “lolis” (as these characters are usually known) ruin a game and are only played by twisted individuals. Well, honestly it was something of a shocker, but serves to prove that they are indeed present in many MMORPGs for some reason.

There's also a rundown on the most killed monsters and the monsters that killed players the most, with the Nightmare Lachelith claiming the prize of the deadliest creature. Among other things, the TERA infographic includes a timeline of the game, from its 2012 open beta to the free to play switch, the several new classes released and ends with May's fifth anniversary celebration. Here is everything you need to know about the celebrations, including promotions and the Velik's Fate update.

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