New Bless Online costumes look inspired by Alice in Wonderland

Talk about twisting the knife, eh? Neowiz has revealed a new set of Bless Online costumes for the Korean version that look like they came out of Alice in Wonderland. Described as tea party costumes – and that is why our Alice in Wonderland reference seems very trustworthy -, these costumes are going to release during June. You can watch the video below, where various races are clearly having fun with their new attires.

Bless Online was coming to North America and Europe but Aeria Games decided to cancel the western release due to “technical difficulties that cannot be overcome”. While these difficulties weren't detailed, Aeria Games did mention that they asked Neowiz to improve the combat and that was the reason for the delay, so maybe it was mostly related to combat.

We can always hope that another publisher picks up Bless Online, but considering that the hype is dying down as months go by, that is looking less and less likely.

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