Dragonsire’s Revenge is the latest free content update for TERA and is now live. This update includes the return of the Harrowhold raid, where you'll face the powerful dragon Vergos, the Dragonsire. It's a raid for 20 players and offers high-end loot and a chance at rare flying dragon mounts. Also included in the update are hard versions of Bathysmal Rise and Akeron’s Inferno.
In just two days, another piece of content is dropping for TERA: the annual Summer Festival event. With the Blood on the Beach update, TERA adventurers will now be able to have some fun in the sunny beaches of Castanica, and the exotic temple at Balder’s Refuge. You can participate in activities such as a splash cannon mini-game, a watermelon mini-game and the timeless fun of building sandcastles. When you journey to Balder's Refuge to partake in the Festival of the Sun, you can fight monsters, clean up the temple and have an ice treat. With the currency you earn, you can try your luck at getting a summer swimsuit and accessories from summers past, but you can go straight to the TERA store to check the new beachwear.
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