Hyper Universe infographic shows your love for Ignitia, and what’s next

Hyper Universe infographic

Nexon has released a Hyper Universe infographic showing a few interesting bits of info from the previous closed beta, which ended about a month ago. It looks like most players had a thing for Ignitia, and we don't blame you, as she is a pretty fiery girl. On the other hand, you showed no love for Gelimer – remember, beauty is only skin deep. Or maybe not, in the case of Hyper Universe. See the entire Hyper Universe infographic at the end of this post.

Nexon goes on to say what is in the works for the game, and it's quite a lot. First and foremost, Steam integration is coming to Hyper Universe, and as soon as the next test. The team is also working on balancing crowd control, improving controller support (PlayStation 4 controllers included), reducing queue times and latency, as well as fixing the usual bunch of bugs.

The next Hyper Universe test begins on… Oh, wait, they didn't announce a date yet. Drat!

Hyper Universe infographic

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