New Mad World video plays with cheats, bugs, fun and centipedes

Mad World video

The fine fellows at Jandisoft seem to be a funny bunch. They're currently developing Mad World, “the first HTML5 cross-platform MMORPG” and love to share odd stuff from their work with us, players.

One of their latest crazes is the Mad World video that you can watch right after these words, and shows the team having fun with skills, cheat codes, bugs and human centip… erm… trains! The subtitles provide a bit of context to the things happening on the screen, and also add a layer of fun. Hopefully Mad World will include some humorous touches as well.

Mad World is in the works for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android, with more platforms (consoles) possibly happening. The English version for North America and Europe is coming during the second half of 2018.

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