Epic Games’ Paragon is struggling for a decent player base

Paragon playerbase

If there's one thing I know for a while now, is that free-to-play isn't dying; it is just over-saturated at the moment, and this results in some good games being abandoned along the way.

Take Paragon as an example. This stunning third-person Unreal Engine 4 MOBA from Epic Games has seen quite a few improvements and changes since it entered open beta in August 2016, even including the Monolith update and its brand new map. It's also noteworthy that the team was releasing new heroes for the game every three weeks, and I can only imagine the amount of work it takes to release such detailed characters.

That being said, Epic Games admits that its effort wasn't enough for Paragon to achieve mainstream success. One could bring Fortnite into the equation, as this game exploded in popularity as soon as Battle Royale was released, and some team members jumped onto Fortnite to help sustain that impressive growth.

As for Paragon, the team is “talking about the future of Paragon in pretty much the same terms as you’re talking about it. The core challenge is that, of new players who try Paragon, only a small number continue to play regularly after a month. Though Paragon has evolved, no iteration has yet achieved that magical combination of ingredients that make for a sustainable game. (As an aside, the problem isn’t marketing or how to make money with Paragon. We have good ideas that would solve those problems if we can find a way to make Paragon grow.)”

As a result of this, the cadence of the updates for Paragon will be slower, while the studio studies the issue and tries to find a way to increase the player base.

How about adding a Battle Royale game mode, guys? *wink wink

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