Arena brawler Icons: Combat Arena welcomes elemental duo Afi & Galu

Icons: Combat Arena gameplay

The acclaimed brawler Brawlhalla is set to get some fierce competition soon. Wavedash Games is working on the free-to-play brawler Icons: Combat Arena, which is currently in a very restricted closed beta.

Today, the studio has revealed a new pair of fighters that will be joining the rest of the roster next week. However, these aren't separate fighters at all – think of them as some sort of inseparable duo, as they fight together. Afi & Galu, the Elemental Duo, are closer than kin and with the powers of fire and water. They function as a tag team, where one player has the active role and the other one reverts to an inactive statue, safe from harm. This swapping ability brings strategic advantages, but you have to be careful not to transform without being on solid ground, or you could fall to your doom.

Wavedash says that Icons is going to get more active during 2018, and you should sign up at the official website as they're adding more players to the closed beta each week.

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