Racing game World of Speed is about to enter open beta

World of Speed open beta

From vaporware to an imminent open beta – not bad, World of Speed, not bad! This online racing game is finally on the right track as developers Saber Interactive and Redemption Ark talk about the approaching open beta.

In a new dev blog, the studio talks about the recent focus on client optimization, but also on squashing some other bugs. As for the rest, they are currently working on two updates at the same time, with the first one bringing the Profile feature and several gameplay tweaks, including Ranked Races rebalance and adjustments to the Challenges.

The second update is even more important, as it will mark the end of the Early Access stage and take World of Speed into open beta. This means that the price tag will be ditched and World of Speed will now be free-to-play for everyone. Considering that World of Speed never managed to have a player base with more than two digits, it's not a moment too soon. As for the remaining highlights of this update, you can expect a new track, a couple of exclusive cars for the Early Access and Alpha players, and exclusive car decals.

How long will this take? A couple of months or more, for sure. We'll keep you posted.

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