New World of Warships commander is Alexander “Ovi” Ovechkin, submarines incoming

World of Warships submarines Ovi

There is a new World of Warships commander coming, and he is more used to the ice hockey rink than to the ice cold waters of Wargaming's tactical MMO.

Alexander “Ovi” Ovechkin is the Capitals’ winger, current Stanley Cup winner and three-time league MVP that is coming to the game with the upcoming update later this month. Ovi appears as not one, but four different commanders, one for the US fleet, one for Soviet ships and two unique ones that are dual-nation – this means that they can switch between Soviet and US fleets with a single commander, a first for World of Warships. Naturally, each commander comes with specific perks and are voiced by Ovi himself.

The update also brings submarines into World of Warships for the first time ever. This Halloween update marks the first time ever that the highly anticipated submarines make it into World of Warships, so this is bound to leave many players with a huge smile on their faces.

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