Trion Worlds hit with significant layoffs after acquisition by Gamigo

Gamigo has just acquired Trion Worlds

Several sources are reporting that German company and free-to-play games publisher Gamigo has just acquired Trion Worlds. This acquisition includes all of Trion's games and also results in significant layoffs at the company.

According to Gamasutra, the layoffs may have hit the majority of Trion Worlds, with only about 25 employees given the opportunity to continue with the studio. Trion Worlds' staff was over 200 people, so this is a massive cutback.

Trion Worlds games will carry on, so this means that Trove, Rift, ArcheAge, Atlas Reactor and Defiance 2050 won't be affected by this acquisition. For how long we can't say, considering that apart from Trove (judging by Steam Charts and not taking into account Trion's own launcher), the numbers aren't too encouraging.

Gamigo merged with Aeria Games in 2016 and now makes another bold move with the acquisition of Trion Worlds and its catalog. Here is the official statement from Trion Worlds, shared by Community Manager Linda “Brasse” Carlson:

“Greetings — We can confirm that there has been a transaction involving Trion Worlds and its games.

While many of the names and faces you’ve come to know in our studios will remain on through this transition, others will not be making the journey. To those who are leaving us, we are forever grateful for your incredible work and contributions over the years.

We’d like to assure our communities that the games will continue on in capable hands moving forward, as everyone involved is aiming to make this transition as smooth as possible for you. We will have more information to reveal as soon as we possibly can.

From the bottom of all of our hearts, we thank you for your time and dedication to our games and hope that you've enjoyed the experience as much as we have. From spending time with you in game, to seeing you at conventions, to talking with you on livestreams and forums, it's been our pleasure to be a part of this exceptional community with you since our first launch more than seven years ago.
Please know that you have our deepest gratitude. As for our games, we hope you continue to enjoy playing them far into the future!

The Trion Worlds Team”

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