Medieval warfare MMO Conqueror’s Blade enters open beta today

MMO Conqueror's Blade open beta

Let the war games begin! Conqueror's Blade enters open beta today, after an Early Access period that was restricted to those who had a key or purchased a Founder's Pack. Now everyone can participate in this medieval warfare simulator. and developer Booming Games are inviting aspiring warlords to this game. You start by choosing one of 10 different warlords, raise a powerful army and enter exciting territory wars. You partake in 15 vs. 15 online siege battles, with each player commanding a few armies and unleashing chaos in crowded battlefields – it's like Game of Thrones but with better lighting!

The open beta announcement video below will give you a nice insight on Conqueror's Blade. To play you can either go to Steam or the official website and download's launcher.

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