It’s official: Destiny 2 goes free-to-play in September as Shadowkeep expansion launches

destiny 2 new light free

The rumors turned out to be true this time. But when it's the kind of rumors that are so solid that you can almost bump your head into them, it was bound to happen.

Bungie has made it official: Destiny 2 is going free-to-play in September for every supported platform as the Shadowkeep expansion launches – this means PC, Xbox One and PS4. The core game will be titled Destiny 2: New Light and includes all the year one content (Curse of Osiris and Warmind) but other expansions will have to be purchased separately, such as Forsaken or Shadowkeep.

It will also be available on Steam by the same time and find its way onto Google Stadia this fall. Transitioning from to Steam should be a painful experience and Bungie will show you all the steps when the time comes.

Cross-save will be included for every platform, PlayStation 4 included, something that was only agreed on by Sony yesterday.

With full control over Destiny 2, Bungie is doing its best to make the game truly shine. For that, there won't be any more platform-exclusive content, so that everyone experiences the same game, no matter the platform where they play.

Now the ball is on Anthem's side.

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