Free MMORPG Astellia Royal goes live in North America

MMORPG Astellia Royal

Way2Bit and Studio8 have just released the free MMORPG Astellia Royal in North America. This is an online game that features companions known as Astels that you can summon to help you in battle. You can have up to three Astels with you, but the more you have, the less time they will be by your side before vanishing again.

With PvE and PvP content, Astellia Royal is a fully fledged MMO that includes crafting, instanced dungeons, large-scale battles, and more. The official launch comes with some celebrations, including an attendance check and items to help you level up your character.

You can visit the official site to download Astellia Royal for free. Meanwhile, the original Astellia Online remains live and buy-to-play on Steam, so if you play both games, let us know in the comments what kind of differences there are between them.

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