is teaming up with Fairytale Distillery to give our readers a free alpha key for the sandbox survival arena Das Tal. Get your key now while supplies last! Follow FreeMMOStation on Facebook to know about the latest giveaways!
Das Tal is the world’s first Sandbox Survival Arena – bringing together MOBA tactics and Sandbox MMO strategy. It makes MMOs fun again for PvP fans. No more grind. No more pay-to-win. No more tab-targeting. The game is designed to be compatible with the busy life of an adult gamer. Das Tal rests on the three defining pillars; Meaningful Conflict, Skill-Based Combat, and Constantly Changing Worlds.
1. Register for free on so you can become a part of this amazing community!
2. Get you key and copy it to a safe place.
3. Go here and download the game patcher for your operating system.
4. Un-zip the patcher to a folder of your choice.
5. Run the launcher(.exe) to patch the game client.
6. When done patching click “play”.
7. Select your screen resolution and details.
8. Press “Play!” again.
9. In the login screen click “New Account”.
10. Pick a user name and pass word.
11. Now enter your alpha key (copy & paste works) in the “Registration Key” field.
12. Back in the login screen click “login”. Your account name and password should be filled in.
13. Enter your email address (twice).
14. Click “Send verification mail”.
15. Go to your email inbox and click the confirmation mail in the email from “Fairytale Distillery team”.
16. Now go back into the game and you're in the character creation screen.
17. Never miss a giveaway again! Follow our updates via Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Twitter, and sign up for our daily newsletter, it's all completely free!
If you click on a link and sign up for a game we may receive a small commission. Read our affiliate policy.