Noah’s Heart

Noah's Heart game download


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Noah's Heart release date and guides PUBLISHER: Archosaur Games | DEVELOPER: Archosaur Games
GENRE: MMORPG | THEME: Sci-Fi, Fantasy
PLATFORM: PC, Android, iOS | STATUS: Final July 28, 2022 (Global)

Noah's Heart is a sci-fi open world MMORPG for PC, Android and iOS. It is developed by Archosaur Games, the Chinese studio that released the hit MMORPG Dragon Raja in 2020. Noah's Heart release date is planned for 2021 in China and global territories.

Crafted using Unreal Engine 4, this game puts players inside a realistic virtual world called Noah, an offer that Sword Art Online fans surely won't reject. This world was created by a mysterious entity known as the Cube and includes many distinct yet compelling styles, such as romantic fantasy, steampunk, even a hint of anime graphics. You have the freedom to carve your own path, whether by going on adventures, striving for justice, or tending to a simple but fulfilling life. However, discovering the Cube's secrets and the future of mankind is your ultimate goal.

The open world in Noah’s Heart is designed using a Procedural Content Generator, allowing players to roam a seamless open world. You can explore the mainland, smaller areas, and places sitting in the middle, but the result is meant to deliver a true open world experience. Vehicles are available for more comfortable exploration, including airships to travel around the planet, and train-lines connecting several main cities, or you can choose to climb to the top of a mountain by sheer willpower alone, using your bare hands.

A day and night cycle and real-time dynamic weather system affect the world and the ecology, with NPCs and wildlife reacting differently to each climate. The rich ecology features aspects such as migrating mammoths, wolves dwelling in the wilderness, and fireflies showing up in the dark forests.

Noah's Heart isn't settling for the traditional MMORPG class system; instead, it will offer a classless system where you can be whoever you want to. By freely choosing your weapons, whether melee or long range, and defining your own skill path, you get to create a unique character that defies the usual constraints of the genre.

Noah’s Heart allows you to build relationships with NPCs, a feature that was previously seen in Dragon Raja. Some conversations may even trigger specific events and missions, some of them deeply affecting the path of the story based on your decisions. You may have to choose some characters to stay alive in a limited-time mission, something that is going to affect the direction of your adventure. Choices have consequences and you must carefully consider your actions, as there is no turning back.

The Noah's Heart global release is confirmed; the first closed beta test for English and other western players was scheduled for December 2021, and the Noah's Heart global release date is set for July 28, 2022. Keep following because we're going to post many Noah's Heart guides, including How to Unlock and Complete Encounters guides, a Phantom Affection gift points wiki, and much more.

Noah's Heart gameplay trailer

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