A few days ago, Digital Extremes launched its first devstream for The Amazing Eternals and revealed a lot of new information about this upcoming retro-pulp competitive hero shooter.
First and foremost, they talked about the new eternal Worp, a one-eyed, green alien support player. This Interdimensional Traveler has abilities and weapons based around utility and healing. His weapons are the lovable little Twerps that you can see in the image below. Worp shoots enemies by squeezing these Twerps.
Ray is getting his map in The Amazing Eternals soon. Obviously based on his character, Ray's map includes a space station on an asteroid floating in the dark space. The size of the map is comparable to Odona (Niia’s wild west map)
Mini-Boards are about to make an appearance, and these are based around a specific Eternal. The ultimate reward is a Keystone card, a special ability. These maps have branching paths so you can choose to go toward different Keystone cards.
Digital Extremes is working on a new game mode for The Amazing Eternals, one that is still under secrecy, but it's easy to know what it's all about going by their description: “if you like delivering a certain gift to an area and that gift exploding after a period of time, you would recognize this Game Mode. *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*”. This mode is currently known as Daring Delivery.
The next The Amazing Eternals devstream is planned for Friday, October 6.
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