ArcheAge is getting a remastered version in Korea

ArcheAge remastered

XLGames isn't done reinventing ArcheAge, it seems. After several updates and some of them causing quite a mess, the game is once again going through something big.

In South Korea, at least. XLGames has just announced a remastered version of ArcheAge to be released in January 2018 (thanks MMOCulture). However, don't you worry about your current progress (or in case this eventually comes to North America and Europe), as the remastered ArcheAge will only be playable in the new Orchidna server.

The developers say that this remaster will showcase the “balance adjustment over the past five years” and called it “a new beginning for ArcheAge”. Well, at least it's not a reboot/relaunch.

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