Blade and Soul Dark Origins update releases August 16

Blade and Soul Dark Origins

More content is coming to Blade and Soul in a few days. The Dark Origins update releases August 16 and follows on the Irontech Forge update which launched late June. Dark Origins includes new dungeon and raid content, including Chapters 12-13 of Act 7, with Aransu School and Ebondrake Lair, a new dungeon with normal and hard difficulties.

Things proceed with a couple of new raids: Scion’s Keep and Temple of Eluvium. The former includes Elite soldiers in augmented suits along with automatons, while the latter pits you against the tortured spirit of Asura who is now split into twin entities: one forged from fire, the other from ice. The update also brings new Legendary Mystic Badges and a new of generation of elemental necklaces.

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