Crunch likes to punch in Paragon, new Monolith map coming December 6

“My name is Crunch and I like to punch.” Things are going to get crunchy on November 15 when the new hero Crunch joins the battle in Epic Games' MOBA Paragon. This one looks like it came out straight from the movie Real Steel with Hugh Jackman, as this huge melee fighter robot is able to fluidly chain combos to destroy its opponents.

Crunch's abilities sound very straightforward, with names such as Re-Crunch, Forward Crunch, Left Crunch and Right Crunch, but it looks like this one is all about boxing.

Once again, kudos to the Epic Games team for creating a stunning and fun hero announce video, which mimics fighting games such as Street Fighter, or considering that Steel is the opponent, Rise of the Robots would be more appropriate.

As for the Monolith map, on December 6 it will replace the current map called Legacy as the primary PVP experience for Paragon, later becoming the only map available.

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