Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation welcomes new girl Luna on Steam

Dead or Alive Luna

A new girl has just entered the competition in the Steam release of Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation. Luna is the jolly new contestant and she seems to have suddenly appeared, collapsed on the beach. Not the happiest way to show up, but let's make her feel welcome.

Luna has 18 years old, she is a Scholar and has the craziest desire for roasted sweet potatoes. To each his own, I guess. Luna accepted the invitation to participate in the festival and the rest is history, as they all say.

You can watch her introduction video below as well as a nice message from Shiori Mikami, her voice actor, giving us some additional insight on the character.

The Steam DoA Xtreme: Venus Vacation release is a few girls behind of the original. Luna is the first newcomer, but we'll have to wait for Kanna, Tamaki, Leifang, Fiona, and Nagisa, 

Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation was originally released by DMM in Japan. Last March it made its way onto Steam in a release that includes English localization, but the game is still only aimed at Asian regions, being locked for the rest of the world. This decision was apparently based on the desire to avoid western controversy over the game – whether you agree or not, I know that many western players are dying to play the game anyway.

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