Dragon Nest 2 beta gameplay shows a colorful but familiar MMORPG

Dragon Nest 2 beta gameplay

A few days ago we talked about Dragon Nest 2, the follow-up to the classic PC MMORPG. Or at least, one of the follow-ups, because there is also World of Dragon Nest.

While World of Dragon Nest is currently signed for SEA and Taiwan territories, Dragon Nest 2 remains a China exclusive for now. Dragon Nest 2 is in development at Shengqu Games and looks visually faithful to the original. It's cute, colorful and there are some hints of action combat, although it never reaches the standards of Black Desert Online or similar MMORPGs. Being a mobile MMORPG somewhat reduces the chances of the combat system being entirely action-based.

Still, Dragon Nest 2 looks competent enough. I don't see how releasing two games in such proximity benefits the franchise – even considering the different territories -, but who knows if one day we won't get a proper Dragon Nest sequel for PC. We can only hope.

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