EVE Online’s CCP Games is working on a new Unreal Engine 4 MMO

eve online ccp games unreal engine 4 mmo

While CCP Games is mostly known for EVE Online – and perhaps for the endless saga of Dust 514, Project Legion and Project Nova -, the studio has a few games in the works. Besides Project Nova, which is being co-developed in London with Sumo Digital, there is an action MMO in the works at the same London studio. All of CCP Games' upcoming titles will be using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4.

Project Nova should be playable this fall (and it's free-to-play), but the MMO is still quite a long way off. James Dobrowski, Executive Producer on the secretive action-MMO in development at CCP London said the following about working with Unreal Engine 4:

“Working with Epic Games using their engine source code, which is open to all Unreal developers, is great for both AAA and indie studios alike, thanks to the huge amount of support options available. UE4‘s Blueprints system allows us to prototype and iterate quickly, and its world-class AAA pipelines allow us to focus on crafting great gameplay and stunningly beautiful worlds.”

We don't know if this MMO is set in the EVE Online universe or its very own thing – how I wish that it would be a reboot of the canceled World of Darkness MMORPG -, so we'll have to wait for further news on this game.

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