The recent launch of the Ascension update for EVE Online also marked the release of the free-to-play mode and the addition of the Alpha and Omega clone states, which can somewhat translate to “free but limited” and “mandatory subscription but full experience”. EVE Online is now seeing a big influx of new players, reaching an impressive 24-hour peak of 5,636 players. You can take a look at the chart below to see just how the free-to-play mode boosted the player numbers.
Of course, this is just a traditional boost that tends to disappear just as fast as it happened, with many players leaving the game in the following weeks – what happened to Evolve is a cautionary tale that could happen to EVE Online.
Anyway, we'll see how EVE Online manages to perform, and if plenty of players opt for the Omega clone state, which means buying a subscription and staying in this sprawling sci-fi universe. You can play EVE Online for free right now.
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