Evolve has just re-released as a free game a few weeks ago and Turtle Rock Studios has already launched a huge update (Electro Shock) with plenty of fixes and especially a new hunter called Electro Griffin. This trapper is introduced in an over-the-top film kind of way and has a moustache to die for. You can check the video right below to see his abilities and if you want to hurt your brain, try to make sense of his official description:
“Coming straight out of the latest box office flop “Electro Griffin and the Ninjas of Neo-Tokyo”, Roger Brown has reprised his role as Electro Griffin to make an electrifying return to his pursuit of fame and fortune. However instead of hunting down Ninjas, Electro Griffin will be taking on his biggest challenge yet…Hunting the ravenous Monsters on the world of Shear.”
Evolve Founders get Electro Griffin, but new players will have to unlock him. You can see more about him and the other Electro Shock fixes and improvements in this page.
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