From out of nowhere, we stumbled across an Astro Boy card game that we didn't even know existed. You can now play Astro Boy: Edge of Time for free by heading over to Steam. Naturally, your enjoyment of the game will depend on whether you're a fan of Astro Boy or not, but fans will certainly be delighted by the story mode and the artwork. Some of Japan’s most legendary illustrators (SUDA51 and Hiroshi Matsuyama are just a couple of them) have redesigned Osamu Tezuka's most popular characters, giving them a deserved lifting and a current look.
While the gameplay in Astro Boy: Edge of Time isn't groundbreaking, it seems to be fun. You have two lanes, one defensive and one offensive, and current Steam reviews are mostly positive, so this is a good early sign. Give it a try while it's hot if you're a fan of Astro Boy or anime in general.
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