Guardians of Ember: new game from Dragon’s Prophet makers coming west, not F2P

Guardians of Ember gameforge release

InselGames acquired the rights to publish the latest game from Runewaker, developer of Runes of Magic and Dragon's Prophet. Guardians of Ember is a hack and slash originally released in Taiwan as Embergarde and as a free-to-play game, but InselGames is planning on releasing it in the west as a buy-to-play title with optional in-game purchases. Guardians of Ember will launch via Steam Early Access mid-September 2016 in three editions: Standard, Demigod and the Ultimate Immortal Edition.

Forsaking the traditional third-person view from its previous games, Runewaker now goes for an isometric, Diablo-like perspective and a dual class system – you can choose a second class after you reach level 15. Guardians of Ember also comes with a housing system, four races and six classes and various PvP options: 1v1, 3v3 and 5v5. InselGames is the publisher of the ill-fated MMORPG Trinium Wars and is planning to translate Guardians of Ember into German and French, besides the mandatory English.

The official website is here and you can watch the announcement trailer below. Right below is some pure gameplay from Embergarde taken from the Taiwan closed beta, so you can see how it actually plays.

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