En Masse fulfilled its promise on the Kritika Online Q&A with Lead Game Designer Seong Beom Ahn, when the publisher recently asked for your questions. The interview is now live and sheds some light on a few doubts from the Kritika Online North American and European communities.
First of all, Seong Beom Ahn confirmed that the western version of Kritika Online wasn't a simple localization. Instead, developer ALLM set sights on improving the game and providing the best version of Kritika. One of the questions concerns the new Kritika Online Archer class, just released in China and Korea, and the possibility of NA and EU getting this class earlier, as well as the other remaining classes. It could happen, based on user trends and interest, but nothing is set in stone. As for the expected rate of release for new content, the other regions usually get a new character per year, but the cycle should be shorter for NA, with two characters probably releasing during the first year.
Another player asked about the possibility of submitting fan art that could be later added into the game as costumes by ALLM. Seong Beom Ahn mentioned that this is already a reality in Korea and the studio plans on opening a fan art submission soon for NA and EU.
Kritika currently lacks a free player to player trade system, so is it getting one? This was a major challenge in other regions, as when implemented it brought farming factories and gold farming. Free trade was then removed temporarily, but the studio is considering alternatives such as allowing free trade among party members.
Currently, pets in Kritika Online have a stamina system that is being heavily criticized for the constant need of buying pet food. ALLM saw the big interest of NA players for pets and is planning on upgrading the pet system and adding cosmetic pets.
More PvP modes are planned, as well as new stages that combine PvE and PvP. An official DPS meter is coming with an official patch, but unauthorized DPS meters aren't allowed.
There are a few other interesting questions, so watch the Kritika Online Q&A below to learn all about the community questions.
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