New KurtzPel trailer introduces you to the world of this anime brawler

KurtzPel trailer tutorial

So, you still don't know what KurtzPel is all about? I guess you haven't been following us closely, because we have covered this game since it was announced, went through its first alpha test and recently entered Steam Early Access in North America and South America.

But I'll spare you the lecture. Instead, I'll just point you to the video below, which KOG has just released as an introduction to KurtzPel. You'll understand what KurtzPel and the Chase organization stand for, how is the Empire of Bellatos and what it wants, how you can move around in Eltheca, and the trials you have to go through to evolve as a Chaser.

KurtzPel is a really cool anime fighting game that you should try if you have any interest in the genre. What's more, developer KOG is listening to player feedback and already improved the monetization issues in KurtzPel as soon as the community complained about it. Not bad for a few days in Early Access.

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