League of Angels 2 first cinematic trailer, beta coming soon

League of Angels 2 was recently announced and today we get to see the first cinematic trailer. It's a short but interesting one, with a few seconds at the end showing us that Youzu Game is actually working on motion capture for the game. This time we won't be constrict to the usual isometric 2.5D style, having instead a 3D world that will probably have fixed camera angles, but should definitely be an improvement over the first game. League of Angels 2 will feature over 50 heroes and angels for you to recruit and fight alongside.

The League of Angels 2 Facebook page states that the game is “coming soon” (a 2016 release is planned) and that if you want to be a part of the first tests you should like and share the video post – business as usual to get more followers, but if you're waiting for the game, then go for it.

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