League of Angels 2 website opens, first gameplay footage

The official website for League of Angels 2 has just opened its doors and those who are eagerly waiting this game can go there and take a look at a few animated scenes. There isn't much to see for now, but the site is updated every Thursday and soon enough you'll get to see the Angels and Heroes you can choose in this game, as well as learn more about the story of this game. You can watch the first League of Angels 2 cinematic trailer if you haven't done so already.

League of Angels 2: Divine Edge is the full name of the game and while the first title's main selling point was the way that the Angels were shown (as in with very little clothing), the sequel is going 3D and at least the looks have definitely improved. You can see some gameplay footage below – actually, not some, but about 100 minutes of it – and it should give you a perfect idea of what to expect: better visuals and animations (not bad for a browser-based game), the same old combat mechanics, and the cluttered UI with all those flashing icons that is reused from dozens of games. If at least a couple of things were actually improved, such as having an actual turn-based combat system with action points and a new, intuitive user interface, League of Angels 2 could be a true sequel instead of seeming mostly like a visual overhaul.

League of Angels 2 features over 50 heroes and angels and launches sometime in 2016 – the beta shouldn't take long to begin. Let us know what you think of the footage below.

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