Lost Ark Summer Festival event has started in Waterpool Island

Lost Ark Summer Festival

The heat is on, and even more with the release of the Lost Ark Summer Festival. Lucky players in Korea are now able to enjoy water games and the blistering sun without having to worry about social distancing. I know, it's not quite the same thing, but at least you get to have fun as well.

The summer festival brings some new cool swimsuit avatars and pets. You can get to be a buff male or a sexy female, and there are cute new pets to join in on the fun. Every player is going to trade the traditional weaponry for some colorful and harmless water guns.

You can check the video below to witness all the enjoyment that everyone is bound to have in the new Lost Ark Summer Festival event. Apparently, a bit of bullying can be involved, if the trailer is anything to go by, but let's all just get along and enjoy the summer event… if you live in Korea, that is.

Smilegate is working on the Lost Ark Japanese release, and hopefully the North American and European release will follow suit. Lost Ark fans, mark your calendars for 2021, and keep those fingers crossed.

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