MU Legend voice cast worked on Elder Scrolls Online, Payday 2 and more

mu legend voice-over cast

Webzen has released a sneak peek at some details of the MU Legend voice-over work. Verité Entertainment is the name of the production company in charge of the voice work and the cast is directed by René Veilleux. This studio has worked in game series such as The Elder Scrolls Online, Payday 2, How to Train Your Dragon, Monster High and many more.

MU Legend's voice-overs are in English, although you can choose subtitles in French, German, Polish, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

This is an interesting choice for MU Legend, considering that the award-winning composer Jesper Kyd is in charge of the game's soundtrack. We can't complaint about production values in the audio department for sure.

René Veilleux, voice director & CEO of Verité Entertainment, commented: “When I first got the call from Webzen about the voice-over for MU Legend, I was really excited because I saw that there was a lot of action and adventure in this game.” He added: “My intention was to make the voice-over grand and epic as well. My experience working with the team on MU Legend has been great. They've given me and the actors a lot of freedom to bring our own voice and vision to the game.”

Watch the video below to learn more about the voice-over work from Verité Entertainment. The MU Legend global open beta begins this September, so it shouldn't be long before we get a more specific date.

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