Category: News
A revolution is in the making – the new League of Maidens v1.1.9a patch, releasing on September 9, is finally going to add butt sliders! Yay!
Cloud Pirates is about to pack its weapons and sail into the sunset on September 29, has announced.
Hyper Universe boobs have been reduced in the English release, but is this really a strict case of censorship, or just some slight polishing?
The highly anticipated monster hunting online co-op action RPG Dauntless has just entered closed beta today, and there’s a new trailer.
Digital Extremes and Human Head Studios have teamed up for the creation of a bullet-hell MMO with permadeath called Survived By.
Digital Extremes, makers of Warframe, have announced the start of the The Amazing Eternals closed beta, the new retro-pulp first-person shooter.
GameSamba has announced that the Fairy Tail: Hero’s Journey closed beta is set to begin on September 7, after a few delays.
MU Legend’s open beta was delayed to November 2017. Why is life so cruel and why is everything good releasing later this year?
It’s always a good thing when we get new Kingdom Under Fire 2 videos, even if they come in a language that we don’t really understand.
Publisher and developer Crytek revealed a new special mission set in Pripyat, the most known city of the Chernobyl exclusion zone.