Category: News
Gaijin Entertainment announced that Crossout Xbox One managed to grab the number one position on the top free Xbox games of the Microsoft Store.
Several months after the initial speculation, Gearbox’s competitive shooter/MOBA Battleborn is now free to play on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Just as promised, the TERA: Lakan’s Fury update has just been unleashed, bringing the dungeons The Pit of Petrax and Velik’s Sanctuary hard mode.
Hi-Rez Studios has proved that it isn’t afraid of making spin-offs based on its popular franchise. But what about a SMITE RPG or a SMITE MMORPG?
A challenging trial is coming to Revelation Online, tasking players with fighting the demons Abstinence, Calm, Intelligence, Greed, Rage, and Idiocy.
In case you missed the news, Art of War: Red Tides ended its open beta on January 25. Now, it’s about to return, and hopefully even better than before.
Bethesda is looking for a Game Performance Manager for a bleeding-edge AAA freemium game. Could it have some radaway in it?
Aion 2 is being considered by NCSoft and at the concept stages in this moment, not in full development as some of you may have hoped for.
Is Bless Online canceled? The North American and European releases may have been by Aeria Games, according to a new rumor that isn’t to be taken lightly.
A new series of Crossout tutorials has started and it covers the basics of this vehicular combat game as well as some in-depth systems.