Revelation Online: new trailer talks lore of the game

Revelation Online Eternal Chasm

This is the second news of the day on Revelation Online, after the shortest trailer ever seen. Luckily, the new video is a fair bit longer and tells us about the lore of the game, specifically the wardens legend. In case you want to read the story instead of hearing it, here's how it goes:

“The gods shaped our world. The Spirit of Change created the Wardens to protect but even the strongest, noblest beings can become lost in their own power. From that corruption came the Darkness. When all hope seemed lost, the five remaining Wardens answered the call, returning to battle the hordes that lurked within the Darkness’s embrace. This proved futile. The eldest Warden knew that it was impossible to destroy the Darkness – choosing to absorb it into his very essence. Only four Wardens remain to face the hordes of Darkness…and their own brother.”

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