Riot Games hero shooter leak says it may be called Valorant

Riot Games hero shooter leak Valorant

The next few months should bring the first substantial info on the upcoming Riot Games FPS. Known so far under the code names Project A and Project Ares, a Riot Games hero shooter leak is pointing to the official name being Valorant. The shooter that is being described by some renowned players and consultants as the game that is going to “surpass CSGO, Fortnite, Overwatch, Call of Duty, Apex, Rainbow 6, Crossfire, and all other shooters internationally,” Valorant remains a mystery for most of us.

However, we may be witnessing the beginning of the info roll, as the first screenshot appears from an unknown source. Unofficial Twitter account @ValorantTheGame is one of the first to share the image, being one of several accounts recently created based on the hypothesis of Valorant being the official name of Riot Games' hero shooter.

Riot Games hero shooter leak Valorant

The picture above is the leaked one showing a party in matchmaking. You can clearly see the Sage character, with a few others by her side. Only a couple of additional names are recognizable: Viper and Brimstone. The inquisitive leakers discovered that Valorant is a property owned by Riot Games based on the SSL certificate for

But why would Valorant be the name of Riot Games' shooter and not the name of one of the other upcoming games from the League of Legends developer? For example, there's the League of Legends fighting game (Project L) and the action RPG (Project F), so in theory it could be any of those. However, everyone seems to believe that this is the name of the hero shooter.

Following on the topic of unofficial accounts saying things about Valorant, another alleged Riot Games hero shooter leak states that it is going to be a free to play game with cosmetics being sold for monetization purposes. This is honestly a 50/50 kind of situation and there isn't any source to back it up, but considering the success of League, and with Legends of Runeterra following suit, it would be strange to see Riot switching to a premium model for Valorant.

Riot Games is probably gearing up for a reveal in the coming months, so let's wait to see if the speculation is correct and Valorant is the name of the upcoming first-person shooter.

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