Sci-fi MMORPG Otherland to enter free-to-play open beta

Drago Entertainment has announced that the sci-fi MMORPG Otherland is going to enter open beta on August 30, 2016. This beta will be actually open for everyone and is going to last just over one week, to test some of the major updates. Otherland will then officially launch in September 2016.

We're not fully enlightened with the announcement, but we're led to believe that Otherland is going to be free-to-play when it launches, even if the early access FAQ still includes this: “As for the pricing and business model after the official launch, this has not been decided yet and may differ between territories.” We reached out to Drago to try and clear this up.

The open beta brings some updates to the game, including a redesign tutorial, improved performance, lots of new quests and new factions, and most importantly the combat system is going through some changes.

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