SMITE’s Celestial Voyage event rewards you with celestial-themed skins

There's a new event live on SMITE themed around the knowledge of the stars and it rewards players with some cool new sci-fi skins for some of the gods of the Egyptian pantheon: Anhur, Bastet, Khepri, Neith, and Thoth. You can see the cool skins on the event's official page, as well as other rewards such as loading frames or celestial pedestals, among others. To win some of these you will have to unlock secrets and solve puzzles, with 12 quests awaiting you.

This event begins today and ends on May 9 for PC/Mac, and it runs from April 4 – May 16 for console. We'll have a giveaway soon for Celestial Isis and Stargazer Anubis skins, which aren't part of the Celestial Voyage event but fit into the same theme.

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