After releasing on PC late January, Star Trek Online: Season 12 – Reckoning is launching on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on April 18. The update sends players on a mission with the Lukari to investigate an ominous new threat, the dreaded Tzenkethi.
Season 12 – Reckoning centers around the new featured episode, “Of Signs and Portents.” Captains will join the Lukari on a mission to investigate weaponized use of protomatter in a new region of the Alpha Quadrant. Further evidence leads them to the Tzenkethi, a highly intelligent, militant species who plan on using the deadly substance to build a bomb capable of wiping out entire planets. Teaming up with legendary Klingon General Rodek (voiced by actor Tony Todd), the Alliance must find a way to stop the Tzenkethi from enacting a potentially cataclysmic attack. Season 12 also unlocks expansive new content for players to discover, including the Lukari Restoration Reputation, the new Kits and Modules Research School, a full space battlezone and two new space queues, “Gravity Kills” and “The Tzenkethi Front.”
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