Street Fighter Duel is an action RPG by Tencent for China

Street Fighter Duel

In development by giant company Tencent for China, Street Fighter Duel is entering its pre-registration phase. Normally, we wouldn't give too much credit to a game such as this one, created for mobile devices and probably trying to milk the popular Street Fighter franchise, but we were pleasantly surprised by the recently released The King of Fighters Allstar, so who knows what it has in store for us.

There isn't much info doing the rounds on Street Fighter Duel, but according to MMOCulture, this is an official game licensed by IP owner Capcom. There will be a focus on tactical approaches and defending, which could imply that timing is crucial, as it usually is in every decent fighting game.

The screenshots aren't entirely clear on what kind of game this is, but let's hope it's not your run-of-the-mill action RPG where the auto-combat option is there to camouflage a profound lack of depth. If it prioritizes fighting with actual control over your character instead of focusing on lame collecting and gacha mechanics, it could be fun.

Street Fighter Duel Cammy Street Fighter Duel Chun Li Street Fighter Duel Ken

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