Street Fighter V characters are heading to CCG Shadowverse

In the list of the most unlikely and “you're kidding, right?” crossovers, this one would certainly rank high. Shadowverse, the awesome and acclaimed collectible card game is about to get some new characters straight from Street Fighter V: Cammy (Forestcraft), Chun Li (Swordcraft), Juri (Runecraft), Ryu (Dragoncraft), M. Bison (Shadowcraft), Vega (Bloodcraft), Karin (Havencraft). It's seven right now, expected to join the game in spring 2017, but maybe a few more are in the pipeline for the future, or even crossovers with other games.

Anyway, this is a weird but wonderful surprise, so if you're a player of Shadowverse and a Street Fighter fan, you're in for a treat.

Shadowverse SFV

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