Transformers don't seem to get a break when it comes to online games. Maybe it's Tencent's Transformers Online that will stir things up a bit, as it goes for a tried-and-tested template, the competitive first-person shooter. The first Transformers Online open beta in China is starting tomorrow, June 23, and this wasn't at random – it's to coincide with the release of the new Transformers: The Last Knight movie in China.
As for the game, it's shaping up to be your usual Overwatch meets Quake Champions kind of shooter, with the added bonus of your Transformer being able to morph into a vehicle for a slight speed boost. And we do mean slight, as the truck, at least, didn't speed up the pace that much.
All things considered, it's already looking more appealing than Jagex's ill-fated Transformers Universe, even if it's playing it extremely safe. There's no word on a Transformers Online western release yet.
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