Tree of Savior F2P launch delayed, South American server announced

There have been some recent and significant changes in the Tree of Savior realm, as IMC Games has recently announced. Apparently, some players were taking advantage of the fact that the Founder’s Packs were available for purchase at prices set by Steam, according to the living standards of each region. This example explains it all: “a player from NA had to pay $49.99 for a package, another player living in a different country was able to purchase it for half that price or even less”. After getting the Founder's Pack at a lower price, players would purchase Tokens with the TP earned, and sell them on the market to obtain silver. Pretty much cheating, we would say.

So, IMC Games asked Steam's Valve to change the price policy so that all tradeable items in one server are sold at the same price to all users, which resulted in a sudden and drastic price increase. The studio has also decided, after all, to open a South American server after the team transfers to EU and SEA servers have finished, and different prices are going to be applied to the SA and SEA servers after transitioning to F2P.

Ultimately, all this will delay the free-to-play release to sometime early to mid-May, with the final date to be announced soon.

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